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Nginx with Let's Encrypt on CentOS

This time I tried introducing free SSL to my server.

Free SSL settings with LetsEncrypt

I set up an open source free certificate.

Here it was very easy. I proceeded with reference to the following articles for introduction procedures.

How To Secure Nginx with Let’s Encrypt on CentOS 7

After that, I could access it with https.

Remarks of LetsEncrypt

However, if it is a free certificate, there are things that restrict the use by using the API, and care should be taken because the number of updates is frequent.

The validity period of SSL / TLS server certificate issued by Let’s Encrypt CA is short term (90 days). At least, we need to renew the certificate once every three months.


Also, there seems to be a limitation if updating too much in a short period of time.

Rate limit on registrations per IP is currently 10 per 3 hours
Rate limit on certificates per Domain is currently 5 per 7 days


However, I recommend LetsEncrypt for people who want to introduce ssl for free because it is easy to set SSL :)